
Work Life Balance

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Teaching and Leadership Costs

Is it possible to have a work life balance when leading a school or for that matter when teaching in one?  #SLTchat produces a frenetic thirty minutes of tweets, re-tweets, likes and comments.  Maybe the people who give up a Sunday evening to be part of it are not best placed to comment; it’s a lovely irony. Continue reading

#Teacher5aday: Because We Are All Worth It

Thanks to Martyn Reah for bringing the issue of teacher well-being to the forefront of our minds, as we start a new term.  It’s important to look after and care for the carers who give so much time, compassion and care to our young people.
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Pension or Passion; Which Are You Working For?

One of the first questions we ask friends and colleagues, when we see them after the long break is, “Did you have a great summer?”  Thanks for asking but it was a rubbish.  This summer was focussed on the conversion of three schools into academies as part of a multi academy trust. Continue reading

Leadership: Being, Knowing, Doing (New Book)

Liminal Leadership


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